The baby whisperer...
For Christmas break, Isaac and I made our way to St. Louis to visit my parents. My cousin, her husband and their baby also joined us for the holidays. While we were there, Isaac made a new best friend; meet Jack. Now, I can testify that Isaac did not bribe the child with sweets or toys but Jack did in fact like Isaac on his own accord. We knew Isaac had magic powers when Jack began to refuse to go to his parents and wanted the comfort of Isaac's arms (I can relate!). While shopping the after Christmas sales, Jack fell asleep in Isaac's arms, so precious! I'm hoping that Isaac's baby whispering powers will work on our own children so we can get sleep when the little one comes! We shall see if he really is the baby whisperer.
You need to get the book "Baby Wise" so your baby can learn to fall asleep on its own and not need a baby whisperer, although my baby whisperer (aka Max) comes in handy at church.