Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Shave

 Many of you know that I came home one day from work and found that my husband had shaved my baby's hair off. He shaved it again before Christmas to make sure that all the hair would grow in evenly. Last time he just buzzed his head. This time he used his Gillette Proglide razor.

I wanted Isaac to make Wyatt look like he had a Santa beard...Isaac didn't quite get the concept of me wanting a fluffy beard but Wyatt still looked cute. Below I'm going to include captions of what I think Wyatt is thinking:

 "Oh no, not this again..."

 "Are they going to shave my beard? I don't even have facial hair!"

 "I'm going to need a drink to get through this..."

 "You're taking a picture? Great..."

 "This is really gonna happen?"

 "Oh, it is happening!"

 "Just breathe, don't think about it."

 "Not my sideburns!"


  1. OH MY GOSH. Funniest post ever. I LOVE all his facial expressions! I really think you nailed what he was thinking. He is adorable, and I loveeeee his little chubby rolls!!!!!!

  2. That is one cute baby. Love those cheeks.
