Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Confessions of a Chocoholic

So, a blog is a great place to confess something. If you confess to a priest, then you feel guilty for committing the same act again. If you confess to a support group and you slip up, you feel that you are letting a whole group down. Plus, you are committed to reporting weekly on your progress (or lack thereof). But on a blog you can throw your confession out into the universe with little consequence or guilt. In fact, some might actually validate the confession because they too share your problem.

Here is my confession. . . I eat chocolate everyday. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot; often in the form of ice cream; sometimes in baked goods. I like it milky, dark, and even white. No discrimination here. Dessert is not dessert unless it has chocolate in it.

I don't know why I'm addicted to chocolate. Is it because I'm a woman? Is it because I'm single? Is it because I've had sweet tooth since I was two years old?

The real problem is that society now validates this habit. Almost weekly the news tells us that we should eat 2 oz. of dark chocolate. Okay, really? Did I ever need a good reason to eat chocolate? Delicious was enough for me. But this health recommendation makes it so easy to justify eating chocolate daily.

Now, even though dark chocolate is more concentrated, do you think that that makes a difference to me? Um, no! And let's be honest, anyone who can limit themselves to 2 oz. could never claim to even like chocolate. If you are this type of person, I would not suggest ever owning up to this or our friendship could end right now. See, this must be an addiction because it is influencing my relationships! If you asked me to give up chocolate or a friend, I would probably give up the friend. I can always make a new friend but what could replace chocolate? Maybe cheesecake but then again I love chocolate cheesecake!

Now the true test to see if I really am addicted, would be to abstain from chocolate and see if I experience any withdrawals. At this time I have no desire whatsoever to even try this. But I'll think about it. . .


  1. This post 100% describes me too! It must be in our genes. My mood can be great altered for the worse if I don't have chocolate. I am definitely addicted! Yay for chocoholics!

  2. Don't worry, it IS a physiological thing! It CAN run in your blood, as it does in mine! I promise! Seriously, I bet you Crandalls are descended somehow from the Swiss too.... I should check if there are any Crandalls in the libraries of Switzerland! Chocolate makes the world go 'round and better and happier and sweeter, just like the Swiss!

  3. I just ate two pieces of chocolate...I think I'm gonna go eat another.

  4. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm chocolate. I'm right there with you.
