Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Candy, plants, and psychos

The candy man came by again and gave me some peanut butter m&m's. Yum! I guess when he walked outside he talked to my coworker and said the following: "I talked to her one night when she was the only working and I asked her what her age is. She's 25. If she had said 27 or 28, it could have maybe worked." My coworker told me she was thinking, "No, it wouldn't have worked then either!" Well, if he wants to think he is refusing to date me that's just fine. I'm kind of relieved.

Well, I've decided that is time that I care for a growing, living thing and don't worry I'm not pregnant. I bought plants! I don't like pets but they shed and smell bad and have to be potty trained so they are not an option for me. But plants are pretty, and these smell good and taste yummy! I bought some herbs. And I didn't realize there would be a variety of each herb. The basil was easy to tell, cause I could pick out the right kind by smell but the sage was a different story. It didn't I had try it. Yep, I snatched off one of those leaves and licked it a couple times. And ding, ding we had a winner! So, I hope they live so I can cook delicious meals.

So... we had a renter whose credit card declined when she returned the car. My coworker called her to get payment. The lady yelled at my coworker and told her that she hated her several times. Then she called back and told me to tell my coworker sorry and that she would be nice to me because she had taken some tranquilizers. (What the heck?) She asked for her balance and I asked if she had her contract and she was like, "No, no. I'm trying to forget you. You all are horrible." Then I told her the balance and she starts freaking out that she can't pay it by Friday and then tells me that she is going to blow out her brains and asks if that will satisfy me. I was dumbfounded. What kind of sick person does she think I am? Who would someone's suicide satisfy? I thought to myself, "who would kill themselves over having $600 go to collections." This confusion cause me to not respond and then she asks, "Are you there? Did you hang up?" I responded, "No, I'm still here. I just don't know how to respond to that." Then she tells me that I can just send "the evil collections" after her and that I can send my mafia or better yet I can send the real mafia. Then at the end she says how she is going to transfer funds and then take more tranquilizers! CRAZY!

So, that's the update on my life.

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