Sunday, May 16, 2010

Girl Talk: Furniture 101

Names will not be disclosed for the other parties privacy.

C: I need to get a couch
Me: Yes, you do. A couch is a prerequisite to a boyfriend.

Weeks later...

(sitting in C's apartment on her roommate's couch. Her roommate is moving out soon)

M: Are these your couches?
C: It's my roommate's couches.
M: Is she divorced? Divorced people have couches.
Me: Uh, I have couches. What are you saying?


C: I don't have room for a couch, so I'm getting a love seat.
Me: A love sac is a prerequisite to a hook up.
M: How about you get a sectional?
Me: A 'sex'tional? Sounds like foreplay to me...


  1. Oh my...whoever these C, M, and Me characters are they are genius! So glad we have women like this in the world!!!

  2. I know. They are amazingly witty and bright. :)
